If you're constantly suffering from ingrown hairs then you may want to consider changing your daily shaving routine. Those scratchy red bumps happen when a razor cuts your hair underneath the skin and then grow back irregularly. Bevel's five part shave system aims to help mitigate this.
Bevel's single safety blade won't cut your hair beneath your skin, meaning that you won't suffer from as many ingrown hairs. Bevel does this by changing the products you're using with your pre-shave, the method you apply your shaving cream, and most importantly by changing the type of blade you use.
The Bevel shave system features five main parts:
- Priming oil
- A badger brush
- Specially formulated hydrating shaving cream
- A safety razor
- Restoring balm aftershave cream
Next, run the badger brush under hot water then give it a flick to get rid of the excess water. Apply a nickel size worth of the Bevel shave cream and rub the brush in a circular motion either in a small bowl or cup or directly onto your face so that the cream becomes a thick lather. The badger hairs of the brush will exfoliate your skin and also lift up the hairs on your face while the cream keeps them in position to be shaved.
The most important part of the Bevel shave system is the razor itself. This heavy stainless steal safety razor must be used slowly and precisely, otherwise you'll end up cutting your face. Position the head of the Bevel safety razor against your skin and angle it down slightly so that the razor's edge just touches your face. Very slowly shave, in the direction that your hair grows as you've mapped out earlier. Make sure to apply more shaving cream to any spots you want to go over. After shaving, wash your face with cold water, gently pat down your skin with a clean towel, and apply a quarter's worth of the restoring balm aftershave. Bevel recommends shaving every day or not missing more than one day between shaves, along with changing the safety blade's razor after every two uses.
The first few days that we used the Bevel shave system this writer cut his face in several spots each day, despite shaving very slowly. After the first week cuts were minimal, and then non-existent once we were used to using the safety razor. In just two weeks we noticed a reduction in razor burn and ingrown hair. Using the Bevel shave system takes about ten minutes, about twice as long as our typical five minute shaving routine with the Schick Hydro 5. The increased time stems from mixing and applying the shaving cream with the badger brush and having to shave much slower with the safety razor than we'd become accustomed to with typical multi-bladed razors.
The act of applying shaving cream with the Bevel badger brush was very cathartic. Having to shave the way our hair grows with the Bevel razor made this writer slow down and pay much more attention to the way he shaved. In all, we found the experience to be a pleasurable one. Our only criticism is that the kit doesn't come with a stand for the Bevel Brush to dry upside down and hold the Bevel safety razor.
While we're very happy with the results, we're going to try spending the next month using the Bevel brush and Bevel safety razor with other third party products to see just how much of a difference that makes and update this review with the results. Regardless of whether this writer sticks with the Bevel safety Razor, he'll definitely be using the badger brush with every shave moving forward. When you consider that the first Bevel shipment comes with the Bevel razor and Bevel badger brush (an $80 value), you're only paying $10 for the first three month supply of Bevel Priming Oil, Bevel Shave Cream, Bevel Restoring Balm, and 60 Bevel Blades."
Readers can use this link to receive their first month's subscription for free, a $29.99 value. That means you'll get the Bevel razor and Bevel badger brush (along with the three months of shaving supplies) for just $59.98 plus shipping. That's quite a deal, especially when you compare that to the price of individual badger brushes and safety razors sold by other companies. Please note that this review was based off a Bevel razor, Bevel badger brush, and a one month's supply of Bevel shaving products provided courtesy of Bevel.
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