Thursday, October 30, 2014

'Magic' player Jared Boettcher addresses DCI suspension and 'ShuffleGate'

Today Oct. 30, 2014 Magic: The Gathering player Jared Boettcher was stripped of his Rookie of the Year award and suspended from competing in DCI sanctioned Magic: The Gathering tournaments for four years in an announcement by Wizards of the Coast. This stemmed from public uproar over the way Boettcher shuffled his opponent's deck, allegedly seeing the bottom cards and moving them to the top in a recent event (see the attached video and slideshow for example). According to Wizards of the Coast's director of organized play Helene Bergeot, "This was not an isolated incident, but rather took place at multiple tournaments during the 2013–2014 season." In an interview with David Leavitt, Boettcher denies all allegations of intentionally cheating.

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Display your games in style with the Gameply

Photo courtesy of Irons Design Co., used with permission.
Have you ever wanted to display your video game collection in an elegant and artistic way instead of buried away in a bookcase or hidden away in the closed cabinet of your entertainment center?