Gunnar glasses protect your eyes from the fatigue and stress of staring at a screen all day long. They'll prevent your eyes from getting tired, drying out, and getting a headache by keeping in the moisture and allowing your eyes to relax. They do that by blocking out the blue light.
Silver, who's needed to wear glasses for 26 years, has had a life-altering experience because of Gunnar that resulted in reducing his prescription.
"I've worn prescription glasses my whole life. I started working for Gunnar a year ago but started using them over two years ago. Gunnars have actually reduced my prescription. My optometrist was surprised when they actually reduced my prescription."
There's three different types of Gunnar glasses: Amber (gaming), Outdoor, and Crystaline.
- Amber Gunnar glasses are the basic everyday use. They don't actually tint everything yellow, but block out blue light.
- Outdoor Gunnar glasses might be deceptive. They're not polarized, and are for viewing digital devices outside. Practical applications include people who work in construction or in very bright lit retail locations with glaring overhead lights.
- Crystaline Gunnar glasses are for people who need to see in true color and want to reduce glare. Examples of professions where Crystaline Gunnar glasses have in impact include graphic designers and photographers
After wearing a pair of Amber Gunnar glasses during our meeting with Silver during PAX East I could immediately tell the difference. The expo hall's bright overhead bulbs stopped annoying me and I could notice visibly notice the lack of glare on the laptops at the booth. If just twenty minutes can have such an effect, I can't begin to fathom what a difference an extended gaming session of eight hours wearing the Gunnar lenses would have.
For more information about Gunnar glasses visit
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